Monthly Archives : January 2024

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Більша частина суми – це позика в рамках проєкту «Інвестиції в соцзахист» (INSPIRE) …

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Indigenous African grains such as millet and sorghum are known to be nutritious but are not popular with many, especially the Gen Zers who view…

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates — Container shipping through the Red Sea has dropped by nearly one-third this year as attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels continue, the…

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The Biden administration’s push for clean energy solutions has turned a rural Washington state town into a hub for electric vehicle battery production. VOA’s Natasha…

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На 13:20 котирування на міжбанківському ринку становили 37 гривень 55–57 копійок за долар …

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The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ranks Africa as the region with the lowest amount of e-commerce investment. UNCTAD says e-commerce is currently…

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Brussels — European Union nations have decided to approve an outline deal that would keep in reserve the profits from hundreds of billions of dollars in…

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На міжбанківському валютному ринку котирування станом на 15:45 становили 37 гривень 69–76 копійок за долар …

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На міжбанківському валютному ринку котирування станом на 15:30 становили 37 гривень 85–91 копійка за долар …

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JERUSALEM — Iran said Sunday it successfully launched three satellites into space, the latest for a program that the West says improves Tehran’s ballistic missiles. The…

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PARIS — French farmers vowed Saturday to continue protesting, maintaining traffic barricades on some of the country’s major roads a day after the government announced a…

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LOS ANGELES — The estate of George Carlin has filed a lawsuit against the media company behind a fake hour-long comedy special that purportedly uses artificial…

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Chinese-made drones dominate the global market and are used widely by government agencies inside the United States. As Matt Dibble reports, US cybersecurity watchdogs warn…

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UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. trade body said Thursday that global trade is being disrupted by attacks in the Red Sea, the war in Ukraine, and…

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Більше половини з цих коштів припадає на продукцію компаній зі США та Євросоюзу, повідомляє агентство …

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WASHINGTON — U.S. officials hoping to break China’s near monopoly on the production of rare earth elements needed for many cutting-edge technologies should engage the governments…

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Turkey makes space history. Plus, the 20th anniversary of twin rovers on Mars, and a flood of news for future missions to the Red Planet….

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WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy grew at an unexpectedly brisk 3.3% annual pace from October through December as Americans showed a continued willingness to spend freely…

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«Україна сама зобов’язалася контролювати експорт і будь які експортні операції в сусідні країни», сказала вона …

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