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BENGALURU, India — At a Coca-Cola factory on the outskirts of Chennai in southern India, a giant battery powers machinery day and night, replacing a diesel-spewing…

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sydney — Australia’s cyber intelligence agency said on Saturday that “malicious websites and unofficial code” were being released online claiming to aid recovery from Friday’s global digital outage, which…

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Пресслужба українського уряду наразі не повідомляла про таку розмову …

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Paris — Airlines were gradually coming back online Saturday after global carriers, banks and financial institutions were thrown into turmoil by one of the biggest IT…

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Yaounde, Cameroon — Participants in Africa-Indian Ocean Aviation Week this week in Libreville, Gabon, say they’ve produced a plan to make continentwide improvements to aviation development…

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TAIPEI, TAIWAN — China’s ruling Communist Party concluded a highly anticipated party conclave Thursday, promising to boost economic growth through comprehensive reform while reiterating the importance…

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«Міжнародний Валютний Фонд призначив Прішилу Тофано своїм Постійним Представником в Україні» …

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WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A global technology outage grounded flights, knocked banks and hospital systems offline and media outlets off air on Friday in a massive…

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Taipei, Taiwan — China’s ruling party has concluded the Third Plenum of its 20th Central Committee with a communique described as vague and cliché by China…

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Nairobi, Kenya — Experts say Africa needs to invest in robust infrastructure if the continent is to have reliable internet after recent outages due to underwater…

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WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court blocked the implementation of the Biden administration’s student debt relief plan, which would have lowered monthly payments for millions of…

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Законопроєкт «дає право Кабміну призупиняти виплати за зовнішнім державним боргом до 01 жовтня 2024 року», заявив народний депутат Ярослав Железняк …

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Ірина Геращенко наголосила, що ціна на бензин і дизель вже зросте на 1,66 грн. у вересні цього року …

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Урсула фон дер Ляєн додала, що ЄС продовжує «рішуче підтримувати боротьбу України за свободу та шлях до ЄС» …

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Зокрема, угода передбачає відкриття представництва бельгійської агенції з міжнародної співпраці Enabel в Україні …

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Nairobi, Kenya — Advocacy group Human Rights Watch called Tuesday for greater accountability of public funds in Kenya, framing it partially as a human rights issue….

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Abuja, Nigeria — Nigeria plans to resume local refining of crude oil in early August, national petroleum authorities announced Monday. The resumption would end years of…

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«Дискусії фокусуватимуться на податково-бюджетних планах влади на друге півріччя поточного року та середньострокову перспективу» …

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Johannesburg     — Rotondwa Mbadaliga is a self-professed “shopping addict.” The 25-year-old South African fashion influencer says she is a huge fan of Chinese-linked e-commerce…

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Northern Ukraine — Struggling with manpower shortages, overwhelming odds and uneven international assistance, Ukraine hopes to find a strategic edge against Russia in an abandoned warehouse…

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