Monthly Archives : February 2023

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Holding the bulky brick cellphone he’s credited with inventing 50 years ago, Martin Cooper thinks about the future. Little did he know when he made…

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Протягом чотирьох місяців із моменту ухвалення зміни до закону так і не були внесені …

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A top U.S. cybersecurity official launched a warning shot at major technology companies, accusing them of “normalizing” the release of flawed and unsafe products while…

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Europe’s existing telecom networks aren’t up to the job of handling surging amounts of internet data traffic, a top European Union official said Monday, as…

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За даними американського Мінфіну, на сьогодні Сполучені Штати надали Україні майже 50 мільярдів доларів на безпекову, економічну та гуманітарну допомогу …

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Затримку із перерахуванням пояснюють тим, що чекають на визначення процедури для цього …

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The big beasts of the telecom industry kicked off their most important annual get-together in Barcelona on Monday, promising to lead a “tsunami of innovation”,…

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Twitter Inc has laid off at least 200 employees, or about 10% of its workforce, the New York Times reported late on Sunday, in its…

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NASA and SpaceX postponed a planned Monday launch of a four-member crew to the International Space Station due to a ground systems issue.  The decision…

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Mexico is undergoing a fevered competition among states to win a potential Tesla facility in jostling reminiscent of what happens among U.S. cities and states…

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The latest folding-screen smartphones, immersive metaverse experiences, AI-powered chatbot avatars and other eye-catching technology are set to wow visitors at the annual MWC wireless trade…

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Google is blocking some Canadian users from viewing news content in what the company said is a test run of a potential response to a…

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Законодавчий механізм стягнення майна підсанкційних громадян РФ в дохід держави був запроваджений ще у травні 2022 року …

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People generate more than 50 million tons of electronic waste every year, including copiers, televisions, and computers. Laptops are part of the problem, but engineers…

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Participants at a global U.N. conference in France’s capital on Wednesday urged the international community to find better safeguards against online disinformation and hate speech….

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The Supreme Court is taking up its first case about a federal law that is credited with helping create the modern internet by shielding Google,…

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Two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut will remain aboard the International Space Station for an extra six months because of damage to their Russian…

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A growing number of startups are using artificial intelligence to replicate human voices. A company is creating synthetic voices for organizations to use for advertising,…

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Under the fluorescent lights of a fifth grade classroom in Lexington, Kentucky, Donnie Piercey instructed his 23 students to try and outwit the “robot” that…

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When Microsoft’s nascent Bing chatbot turns testy or even threatening, it’s likely because it essentially mimics what it learned from online conversations, analysts and academics…

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The little-noticed program that led to a Chinese spy balloon drifting across the United States this month has been discussed in China’s state-controlled media for…

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«Ця угода, яка підлягає схваленню керівництвом МВФ, відкриває шлях до початку обговорення можливої повномасштабної програми, що передбачатиме фінансування України» …

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U.S. safety regulators have pressured Tesla into recalling nearly 363,000 vehicles with its “Full Self-Driving” system because it misbehaves around intersections and doesn’t always follow…

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Imagine if your dog or cat could use words to let you know when they’re angry, lonely or in pain. Well now they can, thanks…

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