Monthly Archives : July 2019

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A woman whose 1-year-old daughter died weeks after they were released from an immigration detention center in Texas filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the private…

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Inspecting 10 newly arrived Russian armored vehicles at a Serbian Army base in Nis, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for “strengthening”…

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SEATTLE — The U.S. has recorded 19 mass killings so far this year, the majority of them domestic violence attacks that receive scant national attention…

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Four inmates allegedly involved in deadly clash between prison gangs have died of asphyxiation while being transferred to a safer lockup, Brazilian authorities said Wednesday,…

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Національний банк України оприлюднив опівдні 31 липня довідкове значення курсу на рівні 24 гривні 98 копійок за долар. Востаннє офіційний курс показував такі значення понад…

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НАК «Нафтогаз України» вимагають від Росі компенсацію збитків, завданих експропріацією активів корпорації під час анексії Криму. Відповідний позов наприкінці червня «Нафтогаз» подав до Трибуналу при…

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson met political leaders Wednesday in Northern Ireland, where he faces a doubly difficult challenge: restoring the collapsed Belfast government and…

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Huawei remained the No. 2 global smartphone vendor in the past quarter despite tough U.S. sanctions imposed on the Chinese technology giant, market trackers said…

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The Soldiers of the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) are part of the U.S. Army Caisson Platoon. These men and women soldiers have…

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Національний банк України встановив на 1 серпня курс 25 гривень 2 копійки за долар США. Це на сім копійок менше за офіційний курс на 31…

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Democratic presidential contenders struck off notes on the science of global warming and the state of the economy in their Detroit debate Tuesday night.  As…

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With its latest test Wednesday, North Korea has now launched seven ballistic missiles over the past three months, after having refrained from such launches for…

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North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles early Wednesday, according to South Korea’s military, Pyongyang’s second launch in less than a week amid stalled nuclear…

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The Democratic presidential contenders opened a second round of debates in Detroit, Michigan, Tuesday, with a flurry of attacks on President Donald Trump. But the…

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Tanzania is planning to build a cable car service on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest peak and a world heritage site. The country wants to boost…

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Ціна за барель нафти еталонної марки Brent 31 липня перевищила 65 доларів на фоні сигналів про скорочення запасів палива у США. На лондонській біржі вересневі…

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Christy Lee contributed to this report which originated on VOA’s Korean Service. The National Defense University, an institution funded by the U.S. Department of Defense,…

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U.S. health care policies took center stage Tuesday night at the Democratic presidential candidates’ debate, with more moderate challengers attacking Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie…

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VOA Asia’s Ira Mellman contributed to this report. Myanmar is beginning to yield to international pressure to repatriate the more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees living…

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One of the country’s biggest credit card issuers, Capital One Financial, is the latest big business to be hit by a data breach, disclosing that…

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North Korea fired multiple projectiles from its east coast early Wednesday, according to South Korea’s military. The projectiles were launched from near North Korea’s Hodo…

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Американська компанія Frontera Resources, яка програла в конкурсі на право розподілу нафти та газу на рекордній за площею ділянці «Дельфін» на Чорноморському шельфі, має намір…

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Nicaragua granted citizenship Tuesday to Salvadoran ex-President Mauricio Funes, who has been in the country under political asylum since 2016 and is wanted back home…

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Anti-Muslim hate crimes in 10 of the largest U.S. cities declined last year for the second year in a row, according to a new report…

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