Monthly Archives : May 2018

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Germany’s struggling Deutsche Bank is slashing thousands of jobs as it reshapes its stocks trading operation and refocuses its global investment banking business on its European base. The bank said…

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Пасажири матимуть можливість з’ясувати, чи є у вагоні потяга кондиціонер, ще на етапі купівлі квитка, інформує «Укрзалізниця» на своєму сайті. «Тепер у системі онлайн-продажу квитків над зображенням місць з’явилася спеціальна позначка, яка…

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Oceanographers often say we know much more about the surface of the Moon and Mars than we do about nearly 70 percent of our own planet. That is because most…

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Amazon, Starbucks, Vulcan and other companies have pledged a total of more than $350,000 toward an effort to repeal Seattle’s newly passed tax on large employers intended to combat homelessness….

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This week marks six months since Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa took office, after Robert Mugabe gave in to military pressure and resigned. During the weekend, the 75-year-old Mnangagwa told supporters…

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Twitter says it’s adding special labels to tweets from some U.S. political candidates ahead of this year’s midterm elections. Twitter says the move is to provide users with “authentic information”…

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Ethiopia’s state-run telecoms monopoly has agreed to allow some local firms to provide internet services through its infrastructure, a move seen as spurring competition and expanding the data market, officials…

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Turkey’s currency has fallen to a record low against the dollar amid concerns about an outflow of investor capital and the country’s ability to manage the situation. The lira weakened…

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French President Emmanuel Macron is taking on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other internet giants at a Paris meeting to discuss tax and data protection and how they could use…

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The dangers posed by cybercrime are on the rise across the globe – with high profile incidents like the recent ‘Wannacry’ ransomware attack an example of the growing threat. As…

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Протягом першого кварталу 2018 року до бюджетного цільового фонду для забезпечення оборони і безпеки держави надійшли 28 228 гривень (трохи більше за тисячу доларів), конфіскованих за корупційні правопорушення за рішенням…

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The Trump administration is preparing to publish on Thursday long-delayed proposed rule changes for the export of U.S. firearms, a State Department official said on Tuesday. The rule changes would…

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U.S. civil liberties groups on Tuesday called on Amazon.com Inc. to stop offering facial recognition services to governments, warning that the software could be used to target immigrants and people of color…

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Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg apologized to EU lawmakers on Tuesday, saying the company had not done enough to prevent misuse of the social network and that regulation is “important…

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U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday “there is no deal” yet to lift the seven-year ban on the sale of American-made components to the giant Chinese telecommunications company ZTE, but…

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Міський голова Києва Віталій Кличко спростував інформацію про те, що футбольні вболівальники здають квитки на фінал Ліги чемпіонів в Києві. За його словами, ця інформація є фейком. «Зараз була сенсація…

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Міністр внутрішніх справ України Арсен Аваков повідомив про завершення поліцейської операції з викриття організаторів «договірних» футбольних матчів.  «За інформацією слідства, в Україні роками працювало 5 організованих груп, у діяльність яких…

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Витрати на відшкодування збитків, завданих громадянам незаконними діями органів влади України, протягом першого кварталу 2018 року склали понад 3,7 мільйона гривень. Така інформація міститься у звіті про виконання бюджету України,…

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Glancing constantly at his rear view mirror, truck driver “El Flaco” journeys the highways of Mexico haunted by the memory of when he was kidnapped with his security detail by…

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Supervised by young engineers, workers at the start-up company Chakr Innovation in New Delhi cut and weld sheets of metal to make devices that will capture black plumes of smoke…

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A man was killed when the Tesla automobile he was driving veered off a road, crashed through a fence and plunged into a pond, authorities said Monday. California Highway Patrol…

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Таким чином Україна компенсує втрату підприємства «Луганськтепловоз» …

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U.S. President Donald Trump says American farmers will be big beneficiaries of more trade with China. “Under our potential deal with China, they will purchase from our Great American Farmers…

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Lisa Meyer’s hair salon is a cozy place where her mother serves homemade macaroons, children climb on chairs and customers chat above the whirr of hairdryers. Most of the time…

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