Brasilia, Brazil — A block on Elon Musk’s X social network in Brazil started to take effect early Saturday after a Supreme Court judge ordered its…
your ad hereNEW YORK — While many costs have come down for small businesses, rents remain high and in some cases are still rising, forcing many owners into…
your ad hereWashington — Technology analysts say a Chinese company’s smartwatch directs racist insults at Chinese people and challenges their historic inventions, showing the challenges authorities there face…
your ad hereSAO PAULO — A Brazilian Supreme Court justice on Friday ordered the suspension of Elon Musk’s social media giant X in Brazil after the tech billionaire…
your ad hereFRANKFURT/TALLINN — Inflation in the euro zone fell to its lowest level in three years in August, setting the stage for a further cut in the…
your ad hereThe arrest in France last Saturday of Pavel Durov, the billionaire boss of the social media platform Telegram, is reverberating around the world as Russia…
your ad hereLondon — Russia on Thursday warned France not to turn the investigation of Pavel Durov, the boss of Telegram, into a “political persecution” after the billionaire…
your ad hereGaborone, Botswana — The entry of Elon Musk’s Starlink into the Botswana market this week has been hailed as a “game-changer.” Analysts concur the introduction of…
your ad hereWashington — The U.S. economy expanded more than initially estimated in the second quarter this year, the Department of Commerce said Thursday, on stronger consumer spending…
your ad hereЗа словами Олексія Чернишова, ключова тема – співпраця для «зміцнення спільної енергетичної безпеки в умовах сучасних викликів» …
your ad herePARIS — A lawyer for Telegram boss Pavel Durov, who is being investigated in France, said it was “totally absurd” to suggest the head of a…
your ad herePARIS — French authorities handed preliminary charges to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov on Wednesday for allowing alleged criminal activity on his messaging app and barred him…
your ad hereISLAMABAD — Slow internet speeds that have frustrated Pakistanis for several weeks may persist more than a month while repairs to a faulty submarine internet cable…
your ad hereWashington — Russian opposition politician Ilya Ponomarev says he saw no reason to be suspicious when he received what appeared to be an email from former…
your ad hereМова про понад 97% власників українських єврооблігацій загальною вартістю 20,47 мільярда доларів …
your ad herePARIS — French prosecutors on Wednesday freed Telegram CEO Pavel Durov from police custody after four days of questioning over allegations that the platform is being…
your ad hereWashington — Jobs in the U.S. clean energy industry in 2023 grew at more than double the rate of the country’s overall jobs, and unionization in…
your ad hereМіністерство фінансів зазначило, що здійснення плати за реструктуризацію дасть змогу Україні викупити ВВП-варанти за їхньою номінальною вартістю в наступні три роки …
your ad hereTehran, Iran — Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday urged the new government to impose controls over the Islamic republic’s cyberspace, which has already…
your ad here«Наразі готуємося до важкого опалювального сезону. Потребуємо від партнерів більше обладнання для побудови децентралізованої енергосистеми» …
your ad hereParis — French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that the arrest in France of the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, wasn’t a…
your ad hereBeijing — As China seeks to race ahead in humanoid robot development, its supply chains showcased cheaper and innovative parts at the world robot conference in…
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