Daily Archives : 06/08/2021

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A number of major websites could not be reached early Tuesday because of an outage at the cloud services company Fastly.The affected sites included news agencies CNN, The Guardian and…

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За даними Finance.ua, торги на міжбанку завершилися на рівні 27 гривень 10–12 копійок за долар, це на 11 копійок менше за показники закриття сесії 7 червня …

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Герхард Бьош обійматиме цю посаду протягом п’яти років …

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U.S. law enforcement officials say they have hit back at the Russian-based criminal network that caused gas pipelines to shut down across parts of the country last month, seizing much…

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Apple on Monday said a new “private relay” feature designed to obscure a user’s web browsing behavior from internet service providers and advertisers will not be available in China for…

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