Daily Archives : 05/21/2019

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The Trump administration is considering payments of $2 per bushel for soybeans, 63 cents per bushel for wheat and 4 cents per bushel for corn as part of a package…

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The Portuguese economy is resisting the prevailing gloom in Europe. Activity remained strong, with GDP rising by 0.5% in the first quarter, or 1.8% at an annual rate, compared with 1.2%…

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The founder of Chinese telecom giant Huawei is dismissing the decision by the United States to blacklist the company on the grounds it poses a threat to U.S. national security….

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As work on establishing a massive garment-manufacturing unit by one of India’s leading apparel exporters enters the final stages, the company is optimistic about keeping the machines humming. Slated to…

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Turkey’s Trade Ministry will implement a reciprocal reduction in tariffs on U.S. imports after the United States halved tariffs on Turkish steel imports last week, two Turkish sources said on…

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Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та ЖКГ затвердило нові будівельні норми, піднявши обмеження по висоті громадських будівель до 150 метрів. Про це повідомив заступник міністра регіонального розвитку Лев Парцхаладзе. «Зараз у…

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Information technologies are changing the lives of many Cameroonian farmers, who previously were dependent on brokers, who charged fees to serve as middlemen to purchasers. Now they can use the…

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Extreme weather and rising sea levels are putting pressure on the natural world and on the infrastructure we have put in place to manage waste water. Rebuilding aging infrastructure is…

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Місія Міжнародного валютного фонду має 21 травня розпочати роботу в Україні. 16 травня постійний представник МВФ в Україні Йоста Люнгман заявляв, що місія перебуватиме в Україні два тижні й оцінюватиме…

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На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку вдруге за травень посилення гривні щодо долара наблизило пару до річного максимуму – 26 гривень 11 копійок за одиницю американської валюти. Станом на 11:00 котирування…

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Trump administration sanctions against Huawei have begun to bite even though their dimensions remain unclear. U.S. companies that supply the Chinese tech powerhouse with computer chips saw their stock prices…

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The U.S.-China trade war has not spared European companies in China. More than one-third of them are feeling a direct impact on their businesses and fear the situation will worsen…

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The giant U.S. internet search engine Google said Monday it is restricting China’s Huawei from access to its Android operating system in compliance with the Trump administration’s blacklisting of the…

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