Monthly Archives : November 2018

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500 мільйонів євро від Європейського союзу мають надійти в середині грудня, повідомило Міністерство фінансів України. У відомстві підкреслили, що ЄС надає макрофінансову допомогу у вигляді…

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U.S. President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto have signed the new U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement, a deal…

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The leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States signed a new North American trade deal Friday. Justin Trudeau, Enrique Pena Nieto and Donald Trump…

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Європейський союз схвалив виплату 500 мільйонів євро макрофінансової допомоги для України. Про це повідомив кореспондент Радіо Свобода в Брюсселі. Президент України Петро Порошенко назвав рішення…

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World leaders are preparing for a potentially fiery G20 summit starting Friday in Buenos Aires. As Henry Ridgwell reports, the two-day meeting is being held…

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U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein called on social media companies and technology firms Thursday to work with law enforcement to protect the public from…

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Police raided six Deutsche Bank offices in and around Frankfurt on Thursday over money laundering allegations linked to the “Panama Papers”, the public prosecutor’s office…

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U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that new auto tariffs were “being studied now,” asserting they could prevent job cuts such as the U.S. layoffs…

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Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell boosted U.S. stock markets on Wednesday when he said interest rates were “just below” estimates of a level that neither…

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U.S. President Donald Trump touted the use of U.S. tariffs on foreign small trucks Wednesday, saying their placement on other foreign vehicles would have prevented…

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Facebook is cautiously expanding a feature that shows people local news and information, including missing-person alerts, road closures, crime reports and school announcements. Called “Today…

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Porsche says its future is in electric cars but for now it is rolling out a more powerful version of its internal combustion mainstay, the…

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In the first case of its kind, the U.S. Justice Department announced charges Wednesday against two Iranian hackers for allegedly launching so-called ransomware on the…

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This is part of “Ocean Shock,” a Reuters series exploring climate change’s impact on sea creatures and the people who depend on them. Norway has…

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U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday kept up his criticism of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, saying rising interest rates and other Fed policies were…

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To hear President Donald Trump tell it, he was made for a moment like this: A high-stakes face-off. A ticking clock. A cagey adversary.  …

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«ВТБ Банк» визнаний неплатоспроможним – таку заяву 27 листопада оприлюднив Національний банк України. Це рішення НБУ пояснює захистом інтересів вкладників і кредиторів банку. За інформацією…

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Alphabet Inc’s Google in May introduced a slick feature for Gmail that automatically completes sentences for users as they type. Tap out “I love” and…

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Facebook came under fire on Tuesday from lawmakers from several countries who accused the firm of undermining democratic institutions and lambasted chief executive Mark Zuckerberg…

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Указ про введення в Україні воєнного стану наразі не накладає обмежень на економічну діяльність на всій території держави. Про це повідомили у міністерстві економічного розвитку…

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A mobile application launched in dozens of U.S. and Canadian cities on Monday measures the planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions of inner-city travel, its creators said,…

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Fishing communities along Africa’s coastline are at a greater risk of extinction as countries eye oceans for tourism, industrial fishing and exploration revenue to jumpstart…

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Marine fisheries are one of the few economic activities present everywhere along the Kenyan coast – mostly using artisanal fishing methods in which non-motorized boats…

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Apple is launching a new program designed to address the technology industry’s scarcity of women in executive and computer programming jobs.   Under the initiative…

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