Daily Archives : 10/08/2018

Home  /  2018  /  October  /  8th (Monday)

Google exposed the personal data of about 500,000 Google+ users to potential misuse by outside developers for years through a bug, then concealed the error to avoid consequences, according to…

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Twitter will strengthen rules rules to prevent sexual harassment and abuse on its platform, the social media company said Monday in an email to the collection of safety advocates, researchers…

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American Airlines is telling employees to think twice before rebooking stranded customers on rival airlines, and regular economy-class passengers are the most likely to suffer when there are long delays…

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Facebook is launching the first electronic device to bear its brand, a screen and camera-equipped gadget intended to make video calls easier and more intuitive. But it’s unclear if people…

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The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for economics to Yale University’s William Nordhaus and New York University’s Paul Romer. The Academy said Nordhaus and…

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For the first time, researchers have been able to track the amount of Chinese investment in Australia.  From the purchase of large cattle properties to residential real estate, the scope…

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Міністерство фінансів планує створити робочу підгрупу з оподаткування операцій з криптовалютами – про це йдеться в повідомленні відомства. Згідно з повідомленням, створення підгрупи матиме на меті оцінити можливість підготовки податкових…

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